Cetaceans in the Strait of Gibraltar
Cetaceans in the Strait of Gibraltar. We offer whale watching tours departing from Tarifa.
Here are cetaceans you can spot in the Strait of Gibraltar:

Pilot Whales
Pilot whales, also known as long-finned pilot whales, have permanently established their home in this region. We find these cetaceans in the Strait of Gibraltar very often.
These intelligent marine mammals form closely-knit social groups, often consisting of extended families led by adult females.
A typical adult of this species can measure between 5 and 7 meters (16 to 23 feet) in length.

In the Strait of Gibraltar, particularly from Tarifa, orcas can be observed primarily during the summer months, from July to September.
Orcas, also known as killer whales, are marine mammals that can vary in size depending on their age, sex, and species. On average, adult orcas can measure between 6 and 8 meters in length, although some can exceed 9 meters.
Orcas are renowned for their strong social bonds and cooperate in hunting, caring for their young, and engaging in other group activities. Their sociable nature is also evident in behaviors such as playing together and communicating vocally through a variety of sounds and vocalizations.

Fin Whales
The fin whale is the second largest animal in the world, with only the blue whale surpassing it in size. Fin whales can grow up to lengths of around 20-27 meters (66-88 feet) and weigh up to 80-100 metric tons. They are truly impressive creatures, known for their streamlined bodies and distinct coloration patterns.
Sightings of fin whales in the Strait of Gibraltar are most common during the spring and summer months, particularly between April and October.

Sperm Whales
Adult male sperm whales can reach lengths of up to 16 to 20 meters (52 to 65 feet), while females tend to be slightly smaller. In addition to their impressive size, sperm whales are known for their huge, distinctive heads and their ability to dive to great depths in search of squid, their primary food source.

Bottlenose Dolphins
A bottlenose dolphin, also known as Tursiops truncatus, can measure between 2 to 4 meters (6.6 to 13.1 feet) in length, depending on factors such as age, sex, and the specific population to which the dolphin belongs. Males tend to be slightly larger on average than females.

Striped Dolphins
The striped dolphin, also known as Stenella coeruleoalba, typically measures between 1.8 to 2.6 meters (5.9 to 8.5 feet) in length.
Striped dolphins tend to form groups that can reach hundreds of animals, depending on factors such as food availability and habitat.

Common Dolphins
The common dolphin, scientifically known as Delphinus delphis, typically measures between 1.9 to 2.5 meters (6.2 to 8.2 feet) in length.
They are agile swimmers and are frequently observed leaping out of the water and riding the bow waves created by boats.

Loggerhead Sea Turtle
The loggerhead sea turtle, scientifically known as Caretta caretta, is a species of marine turtle, named for their relatively large heads, which support powerful jaws, allowing them to feed on hard-shelled prey such as crustaceans and mollusks. Loggerhead sea turtles can grow to lengths of around 90 to 110 centimeters (35 to 43 inches) and weigh up to 135 kilograms (298 pounds) on average.

Ocean Sunfish
The ocean sunfish can grow to several meters in length and weigh several tons. It is a peculiar species that primarily feeds on gelatinous organisms and is often spotted near the water’s surface, where it basks in the sun.
About us
We prioritize sustainability and minimal environmental impact.
That’s why we’ve chosen to operate with a small boat, accommodating a maximum of 10 passengers. This not only minimizes disturbance to the marine life but also ensures a more intimate and personalized experience for our guests.
Say goodbye to crowded tours and hello to a tranquil journey where you can fully immerse yourself in the wonders of the sea. Book your spot today and get ready for a marine adventure like no other.

Whale Watching Tarifa

Whales and Dolphins Tour
Accompanied by biologist Maximum 10 people on the boat Duration 2 hours Price 65€ per person

Orcas Tour
Is done en season Maximum 10 people on the boat Duration 2,5 hours Price 80€ per person

Private Tour
Whales and dolphins tour 2 hours, price 650€ Orcas tour 2,5 hours, price 800€