Dolphins Watching

Dolphins with Top Tarifa

Strait of Gibraltar is a crucial habitat for three species of dolphins:

the common dolphin
the striped dolphin
the bottlenose dolphin.

These intelligent marine mammals are an iconic presence in these waters, attracting the attention of researchers and nature enthusiasts.

delfin comun

Common Dolphins

Characteristics and Habitat:

They are known for their strong social bond and playful behavior while swimming in groups.

They prefer coastal waters and are often sighted near the coast of the Strait of Gibraltar.

They feed on a variety of fish and squid, reflecting their adaptability to different marine environments.

Delfin listado

Striped Dolphins

Characteristics and Habitat:

Spotted dolphins are distinguished by their distinctive pattern of light and dark spots on their bodies.

They tend to inhabit away from the coast of the Strait of Gibraltar.

They are often seen interacting with whales and other marine species in their natural habitat.

Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) are also common inhabitants of the Strait.

They are easily recognized by the distinctive stripes running along their flanks. Known for being playful and agile, they often leap out of the water in impressive acrobatics.

Like common dolphins, striped dolphins form social groups and primarily feed on fish and squid.

delfin mular

Bottlenose Dolphins

Characteristics and Habitat:

They use a wide variety of sounds to communicate with each other and locate food.

They can adapt to diverse habitats, from deeper waters to coastal areas and estuaries.

They are known for their natural curiosity and friendly interaction with humans and other marine species.

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are a constant presence in these waters.

They are the largest and most robust dolphins in the region, with a dark gray color and a distinctive bottle-shaped snout.

They are known for their intelligence and their ability to form strong social bonds, both within their group and with other species, such as humans.

WhaleWatch Tarifa Services

Sichtungen toptarifa

Whales and Dolphins Tour

Accompanied by biologist Maximum 10 people on the boat Duration 2 hours Price 65€ per person

Ver orcas tarifa

Orcas Tour

Is done en season Maximum 10 people on the boat Duration 2,5 hours Price 80€ per person

toptarifa barco tour privado

Private Tour

Whales and dolphins tour 2 hours, price 650€ Orcas tour 2,5 hours, price 800€

The presence of these dolphins in the Strait of Gibraltar not only provides opportunities for observation and study but also underscores the importance of conserving this unique marine habitat.

However, they face various threats, ranging from pollution and incidental fishing to climate change and maritime traffic. Protecting these fascinating animals and their environment is crucial to ensure their survival and preserve the marine biodiversity of the Strait of Gibraltar.

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