Ver orcas tarifa

Orcas watching tour

Orcas in Tarifa

Is done en summer season

Maximum 10 people on board

Duration 2,5 hours

Price 80€ per persona

Orcas in Tarifa

In the Strait of Gibraltar, particularly from Tarifa, orcas can be observed primarily during the summer months, from July to September. These intelligent creatures are drawn to the area by the migration of bluefin tuna.


Orcas exhibit highly innovative hunting techniques, and in the Strait of Gibraltar, they have learned to pilfer tuna from the hooks of Moroccan and Spanish fishermen.


They patiently await the moment when the fishermen begin to reel in their catch and then pounce on this easy prey. Often, all the fisherman is left with is the head of the tuna. Witnessing this spectacle is truly remarkable.

Orcas Tour in Tarifa

How does the orca watching tour work?

The orca-watching excursion works like this: We depart from Tarifa harbor and head towards a spot where orcas come to feed on tuna. Since they roam freely, their presence can vary - it's all part of nature's charm. If the orcas are around, we'll stay with them, offering a thrilling experience. If not, we'll venture off to encounter other fascinating marine species like pilot whales, dolphins, sperm whales, and fin whales.

Is this tour safe?

Experience the thrill of whale-watching in Tarifa with complete peace of mind and safety. With over 15 years of operations in the Strait of Gibraltar, our team guarantees a smooth journey without any incidents. We use a Zodiac boat, known for its stability and safety on the water, which also minimizes our environmental impact. These boats are commonly used by maritime rescue services, ensuring a secure trip. Get ready to immerse yourself in unforgettable moments in a worry-free natural setting.

The price

The price is 80€ per person, and we have a maximum of 10 people on board. Experience a private encounter with the majestic orcas in Tarifa. This exclusivity ensures an intimate and personalized experience, allowing you to enjoy a unique and closer sighting.

Orcas in Tarifa Watching season

However, it is important to note that the presence of orcas in the Strait of Gibraltar can be unpredictable, and sightings are not always guaranteed during any visit. Currents, changing weather conditions, and other factors can influence their behavior and location at any given time.


Orcas, also known as killer whales, are highly intelligent and social marine mammals. They are apex predators and are found in all oceans of the world. They are known for their distinctive black and white coloration.

In the Strait of Gibraltar

In the Strait of Gibraltar, these magnificent creatures find a wide variety of prey that provide them with the necessary nutrients to survive. This strait is known to be an important migratory route for Atlantic bluefin tuna, a highly migratory species that traverses these waters on its way to spawning grounds in the Mediterranean.

Orcas, tuna, fishermen

In the Strait of Gibraltar, the interaction between orcas, tuna, and fishermen creates a fascinating and complex marine ecosystem. Orcas, as top predators, find tuna to be one of their main prey. During certain times of the year, orcas migrate to the Strait of Gibraltar in search of these huge tuna schools. Using their intelligence and hunting skills, orcas organize themselves in groups to ambush and capture their prey, often leading to exciting encounters between these magnificent predators and the region's fishermen.

Orcas hunt

For local fishermen, the presence of orcas can represent both an opportunity and a challenge. On one hand, the presence of orcas may indicate the presence of large tuna schools, which can increase the chances of a good catch. However, there is also the risk that orcas may interfere with fishing nets or even capture the tuna before fishermen can do so.

Marine life

Despite the challenges, the interaction between orcas, tuna, and fishermen in the Strait of Gibraltar is a notable example of the complexity and beauty of marine ecosystems. It underscores the importance of finding a sustainable balance between the conservation of marine life and human activities in this region, which is crucial from both economic and environmental perspectives.


Despite their reputation as fierce hunters, orcas are highly intelligent and social animals that deserve to be admired and respected. Observing them hunt and feed in the Strait of Gibraltar is a unique and fascinating experience that reminds us of the beauty and complexity of marine life on our planet.

Do you want to book Orcas tour?

Here you can find out about whales and dolphins watching tour.

Whales and Dolphins Tour

Accompanied by biologist

Maximum 10 people on the boat

Duration 2 hours

Price 65€ per person

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